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SCHOTT NG4, 0.4 OD, 50mm Sq., Absorptive ND Filter

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Stock #16-725 5-7 Days
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Neutral Density Filter

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Dimensions (mm):
50.0 x 50.0
Length (mm):
Thickness (mm):
Thickness Tolerance (mm):
Width (mm):
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):

Optical Properties

Optical Density OD (Average):
0.4 ±0.03 @ 546nm
Glass/Filter Number:
Index of Refraction (nd):
Surface Quality:
Transmission (%):
39.81 ±2.39% @ 546nm
Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700

Material Properties

Transformation Temperature (°C):

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 240:


  • NG4、NG9 或 NG11 玻璃類型
  • 指定 0.15 至 5.0 的光學密度
  • 在可見光光譜產生均勻的光線衰減效果
  • 也供應 SCHOTT NG 灰色玻璃

SCHOTT NG 吸收型中性密度 (ND) 濾光片是由 NG4、NG9 或 NG11 SCHOTT 玻璃類型組成,可於可見光光譜透過吸收產生均勻的光線衰減效果。這類濾光片製造時指定 0.15 至 5.0 的光學密度,協助簡化整合至光學系統。SCHOTT NG 吸收型中性密度 (ND) 濾光片供應 50 x 50 mm 的標準尺寸,並可堆疊多個濾光片以達到自訂光學密度。5 至 160mm 的自訂尺寸及自訂光學密度,或是適合特定波長的穿透值,均可依要求供應;如需更多詳細資訊,請造訪本公司有色玻璃濾光片製造能力網頁。也供應 SCHOTT NG 灰色玻璃濾光片

每批濾光片都經過測量及調整厚度,以符合 546nm 的指定穿透值。濾光片批次效能不同可能導致標稱厚度變化;不過每批產品之間的穿透變化均維持在最低限度。


請按此處下載 SCHOTT 有色玻璃濾光片計算程式,以用於計算每種 SCHOTT 玻璃類型的內部和外部穿透率。此程式可以根據使用者指定的厚度來模擬個別濾光片的效能,或模擬具有不同玻璃類型和厚度的堆疊式濾光片的效能。

Technical Information


Title 比較庫存號碼  價格 Buy
12.5mm Dia., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-094 NT$9,660   Request Quote
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25mm Dia., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-095 NT$17,850   Request Quote
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50mm Sq., SCHOTT NG Absorptive ND Filter Kit (14 Filters) #15-096 NT$38,150   Request Quote
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Quote Your Size

This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
This size filter is outside of our standard range. Please contact us to discuss manufacturing feasibility and get a custom quote.
Typical 3-4 week delivery. Delivery date to be confirmed at time of order.
Standard Manufacturing Tolerances:
Edge length and diameter +/-0.2 mm
Thickness For ≤ 1mm: ± 0.1mm
For > 1 – 3mm: ± 0.2mm
Surface Quality 60 – 40
Surface Accuracy ≤8 Waves
Parallelism ≤3 arcmin
Clear Aperture ≥90%
Edges & Bevels Round parts ≥ ∅5mm: polished edges & protective bevel
Square & rectangular parts < 50 x 50mm: polished edges, no bevel
Edge Chips For ≤ ∅80mm: < 0.3mm (5/E0.3),
for ≥ ∅81mm < 0.6mm (5/E0.6)

Surface quality according to DIN ISO 10110:
Polishing quality P2
Defects 5/3 x 0.63
All edges machined
Round filters with chamfer max. 0.5mm, square and rectangular < 50x50mm without chamfer
Edge chips permitted up to 5/E0.3
SCHOTT 光學濾光片玻璃一般資訊
BG Blue, blue-green, and multiband glasses
GG Nearly colorless to yellow glasses, IR transmitting
KG Virtually colorless glasses with high transmission in the visible and absorption in the IR
NG Neutral density glasses with uniform attenuation in the visible range
OG Orange glasses, IR transmitting
RG Red and black glasses, blocking visible, IR transmitting
UG Black and blue glasses, UV transmitting
VG Green glasses
WG Colorless glasses with different cut-offs in the UV, transmitting in the visible and IR ranges
Note: The spectral curves above show the internal transmittance of the individual optical filter glasses

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