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知識中心 資源 (221)



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Confocal Microscopy

Confocal microscopy provides high resolution, elimination of out-of-focus glare due to spatial filtering, and reduction of light-induced damage to the sample.

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Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy is ideal for capturing high-resolution 3D images with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity compared to confocal microscopy.

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雷射誘導損傷閾值 (LIDT) 或雷射損傷閾值 (LDT) 對於選擇或指定雷射光學器件至關重要。在愛特蒙特光學了解更多!

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抗反射 (AR) 鍍膜

抗反射 (AR) 鍍膜應用於光學元件,以提高吞吐量並減少背反射造成的傷害。

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Basics of Ultrafast Lasers

Master the fundamentals of ultrafast lasers and how to choose optics that can withstand their high powers and short pulse durations.

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Introduction to Polarization

Is polarization a new topic for you? Learn about key terminology, types, and more information to help you understand polarization at Edmund Optics.

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Introduction to Optical Prisms

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Introduction to Modulation Transfer Function

Want to know more about the Modular Transfer Function? Learn about the components, understanding, importance, and characterization of MTF at Edmund Optics.

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All About Aspheric Lenses

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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Lens Geometry Performance Comparison

This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.

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Understanding Surface Roughness

Surface roughness describes how a shape deviates from its ideal form. This is critical for controlling light scatter in laser devices and other optical systems.

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Introduction to Basic Ray Optics

An understanding of refraction and basic ray optics is a critical foundation for understanding more complicated optical concepts and technologies.

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Diamond-Like Carbon and High-Durability AR Coatings

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings are a type of highly durable, anti-reflective optical coating ideal for defense applications and other harsh environments.

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Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive, high-resolution optical imaging technology that creates cross-sectional images from interference signals

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Telescope Optics for Hobbyists

Learn the basics of telescope theory and how to construct different types of telescopes.

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Learn how the shape factor of an aspheric lens effects its performance and when certain shape factors are the most advantageous.

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ISO Drawings for Aspheric Lenses

Aspheric lens drawings following the ISO 10110 standard are critical tools for communicating manufacturing and testing requirements for the lenses.

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Large Aspheres: Enabling High-Power Optical Systems

Large diameter aspheric lenses enable high-power optical systems, but several key considerations must be taken into account during their fabrication process.

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Polymer Polarizers and Retarders

Polymer polarizers and retarders, consisting of sheets of polyvinyl alcohol and TAC cellulose triacetate, alter the polarization of light.

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Learn about spatial frequency errors and surface roughness of Single Point Diamond Turned off-axis parabolic mirrors at Edmund Optics.

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高反射率 (HR) 鍍膜應用於光學元件,以最大限度地減少反射雷射和其他光源時的損失。

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Are you designing an optical system? Be sure to review these 5 considerations relating to mechanical design, assembly, and alignment at Edmund Optics.

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Have a time or budget restraint? Check out these tips and advantages for designing applications with standard, off-the-shelf optics at Edmund Optics.

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