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SZ61 Stereo Microscope (eyepiece, objective, and stand each sold separately)

SZ61 Stereo Microscope (eyepiece, objective, and stand each sold separately) SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope - accessories shown not included
  • 簡化 SZ61SZX7 顯微鏡的元件選擇
  • 系統可與您選擇的相機一起使用
  • 支架系統包括滾珠軸承支架

預配置的奧林巴斯(Olympus)立體顯微鏡系統包括一台奧林巴斯(Olympus) SZ61 或 SZX7 顯微鏡以及完成顯微鏡系統的最常見配件。 奧林巴斯(Olympus) SZ61 顯微鏡 採用格林諾夫光學系統,以提高圖像品質及卓越的視場平整度。 奧林巴斯(Olympus) SZX7 顯微鏡 具有視訊相容性及用於高解析度成像的伽利略光學系統。 支架系統包括高穩定性的滾珠軸承室支架 (#54-121)。 顯微鏡相機系統包括基本的反射光源支架,並可隨時與所選 相機 一起使用。安裝一個相機 (如 顯微鏡相機) 來完成視訊顯微鏡系統*。關於每種配置所包含的配件,請參見技術資料欄位。

*請注意: 可能需要額外的連接電源線和/或外部電源。




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Technical Information

Olympus SZ61 Stereo Microscope Boom Stand System (#89-352)
Description Stock No.
SZ61 Stereo Microscope Body with 45° Trinocular (C-Mount) #88-126
10X Widefield Eyepieces #88-108
0.3X Objective #88-127
Rack & Pinion Focusing Mount #33-195
Ball Bearing Boom Stand #54-121
32mm Fixed Column for Boom Stand #55-618

Olympus SZ61 Stereo Microscope System (#89-354)
Description Stock No.
SZ61 Stereo Microscope Body with 45° Trinocular (C-Mount) #88-126
10X Widefield Eyepieces #88-108
0.3X Objective #88-127
Basic Reflected Light Stand #88-207
Your choice of Camera and Lighting* Not included*

Olympus SZX7 Stereo Microscope Boom Stand System (#89-353)
Description Stock No.
SZX7 Stereo Microscope Body #88-103
30° Binocular Observation Tube #88-106
10X Widefield Eyepieces #88-108
1X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-112
Rack & Pinion Focusing Mount #33-195
Ball Bearing Boom Stand #54-121
32mm Fixed Column for Boom Stand #55-618

Olympus SZX7 Stereo Microscope System (#89-355)
Description Stock No.
SZX7 Stereo Microscope Body #88-103
30° Trinocular Observation Tube #88-107
10X Widefield Eyepieces #88-108
1X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-112
1X Camera adapter with C-Mount Coupler #88-209
Basic Reflected Light Stand #88-207
Your choice of Camera and Lighting* Not included*

*Choose your preferred Camera (such as Microscopy Camera), additional Lighting (such as Microscopy Lighting) and other optional components from our wide selection to complete a video microscope system for industrial inspection or life science application. These are sold separately. Additional connection cables and/or external power supply may be required

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