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Olympus SZX7 變焦立體顯微鏡

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SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope - accessories shown not included

SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope - accessories shown not included SZX7 2X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, #88-115 Olympus 10X Widefield Eyepiece, #88-108 SZX7 0.5X C-Mount Adapter, #88-120 +7

Olympus SZX7變焦立體顯微鏡採用Galilean光學系統提供卓越的影像準確度及高分辨率。Olympus SZX7變焦立體顯微鏡可為影像文件提供視訊相容性,可以變更調整架以因應精確定位需求。此外,SZX7具有整合式鎖定光圈機制,可恢復特定的放大倍率設定。我們還提供多種物鏡鏡頭與目鏡,以便為多種樣本或應用提供無與倫比的影像平整度,並對難以存取的樣本執行成像。




 Magnification   Manufacturer   比較   庫存號碼   價格  Buy
- Olympus
0.5X Olympus
- Olympus
- Olympus
- Olympus
- Olympus
10X Olympus
15X Olympus
20X Olympus
30X Olympus
1X Olympus
1.25X Olympus
0.75X Olympus
2X Olympus
1X Olympus
1X Olympus

Technical Information

Olympus SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope
Description Stock No.
Microscope Body (Required)
SZX7 Stereo Microscope Body #88-103
Stands (One Required)
Basic Reflected Light Stand with Reversible Stage Plate #88-207
Transmitted and Reflected LED Light Stand  #88-208
Observation Tubes (One Required)
30° Binocular Observation Tube #88-106
30° Trinocular Observation Tube (Camera Adapter Required)  #88-107
Eyepieces (Two Required)
10X Widefield Eyepiece #88-108
15X Widefield Eyepiece #88-109
20X Widefield Eyepiece #88-110
30X Widefield Eyepiece #88-111
Objectives (One Required)
0.5X Achromatic Objective Lens #33-254
1X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-112
1.25X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-113
0.75X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens #88-114
2X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens #88-115
1X Plan Apochromatic Objective Lens #88-116
Camera Adapters (One Required for Video/Image Capture)
1X Camera Adapter w/ C-mount Coupler #88-209
0.63X C-Mount Adapter #11-122
0.5X C-Mount Adapter #11-123
Optional Accessories
Ball & Socket Stage for Basic Light Stand #88-123

Objective and Eyepiece Data Table
Objective Lens 10X Eyepiece
15X Eyepiece
20X Eyepiece
30X Eyepiece
F.N. 22 F.N. 16 F.N. 12.5 F.N. 7
Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm)
0.5X 4X-28X 55 - 7.8 6X-42X 40 - 5.7 8X -56X 31.3 - 4.5 12X-84X 17.5 - 2.5
0.75X 6X-42X 36.7 - 5.2 9X-63X 26.7 - 3.8 12X-84X 20.8 - 3 18X-126X 11.7 - 1.7
1X 8X-56X 27.5 - 3.9 12X-84X 20 - 2.9 16X-112X 15.6 - 2.2 24X-168X 8.8 - 1.3
1.25X 10X-70X 22 - 3.1 15X-105X 16 - 2.3 20X-140X 12.5 - 1.8 30X-210X 7.0 - 1.0
1.5X 12X-84X 18.3 - 2.6 18X-126X 13.3 - 1.9 24X-168X 10.4 - 1.5 36X-252X 5.8 - 0.83
2X 16X-112X 13.8 - 1.9 24X-168X 10 - 1.4 32X-224X 7.8 - 1.1 48X-336X 4.4 - 0.63
Olympus Comparison of Features
Olympus SZ51/SZ62 Olympus SZX7
Affordably priced with high resolving power Larger zoom ratio than the SZ51/SZ61
Utilizes a Greenough optical system Brighter, higher resolution images
  Utilizes an advanced Galilean optical system


Title 比較庫存號碼  價格 Buy
Olympus Ball & Socket Stage for Basic Light Stand #88-123 NT$12,180   Request Quote
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Olympus SZX7 0.63X C-Mount Adapter #11-122 NT$34,475   Request Quote
  • 聯絡我們
Olympus SZX7 0.5X C-Mount Adapter #11-123 NT$34,475   Request Quote
  • 聯絡我們
Rack & Pinion Focusing Mount #33-195 NT$10,885 Qty 5+ NT$10,325   Request Quote
  • 5-7 Days
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