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Corning® Varioptic® 可變焦液體鏡頭

Corning® Varioptic® Variable Focus Liquid Lenses

Corning® Varioptic® Variable Focus Liquid Lenses Corning® Varioptic® Variable Focus Liquid Lenses +1
  • 透過外加電壓來變換焦距
  • 機器視覺自動對焦應用的理想選擇
  • 所需電力低於傳統自動對焦鏡頭

Corning® Varioptic® 可變焦液體鏡頭包含兩種密度相同但折射指數不同的液體。兩種液體的球形界面半徑可依電壓進行交換,以實現變焦或自動對焦功能。這類鏡頭專為穩定光軸設計,無論何種方位均能操作,並具有抗反射鍍膜,在400與700nm可達到最優異的穿透率。Corning® Varioptic® 可變焦液體鏡頭是自動變焦應用的理想選擇,不含可動零件,更為迅速、耐用,且所需電力低於傳統自動變焦鏡頭。目前售有適合高速應用的2.5mm孔徑鏡頭,以及適合長焦距、大型傳感器及雷射應用的3.9mm孔徑鏡頭。此外我們還提供開發工具包,其中包括鏡頭,電子驅動設備,電纜和軟件,非常易於使用,通過USB-A進行連接。

注意:這些產品對靜電放電 (ESD) 敏感。應採取處理預防措施以防止意外損壞,例如使用防靜電設備以及在不使用時將產品存放在防靜電容器中。


Storage Temperature (°C):
-40 to +85


CA (mm)  Coating   Focus Range   Type   Model Number   比較   庫存號碼   價格  Buy
1.6 VIS -5 to +15 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-16F0-P31
1.6 VIS -5 to +15 diopter Development Kit D-A-16F0
2.5 NIR -35 to +35 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-P-25H1-D0-33
2.5 NIR -35 to +35 diopter Development Kit D-A-25H1-D0
2.5 VIS -35 to +35 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-P-25H0-D0-33
2.5 VIS -35 to +35 diopter Development Kit D-A-25H0-D0
2.5 VIS -5 to +13 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-25H0-P33
3.9 NIR -5 to +15 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-39N1-P37
3.9 NIR -5 to +15 diopter Development Kit D-A-39N1
3.9 VIS -5 to +15 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-39N0-P37
3.9 VIS -5 to +15 diopter Development Kit D-A-39N0
5.8 NIR -5 to +10 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-58N1-P37
5.8 NIR -5 to +10 diopter Development Kit D-A-58N1
5.8 VIS -5 to +10 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-58N0-P37
5.8 VIS -5 to +10 diopter Development Kit D-A-58N0
1.6 VIS -5 to +15 diopter Development Kit D-A-16F0
5.8 NIR -5 to +10 diopter Packaged Lens w/ Thermistor A-58N1-P20

Technical Information

Stock No. Description
#34-283 Packaged A-30N0-P04 Liquid Lens (VIS)
#15-740 Packaged A-30N0-P04 Liquid Lens w/ Thermistor (VIS)
#19-354 Packaged A-30N1-P04 Liquid Lens w/ Thermistor (NIR)
#17-126 A-39N0 Liquid Lens Development Kit (VIS)
#19-358 A-39N1 Liquid Lens Development Kit (NIR)
#37-521 6mm FL, Liquid Lens M12 Lens
#37-522 8mm FL, Liquid Lens M12 Lens
#37-523 12mm FL, Liquid Lens M12 Lens
#37-524 16mm FL, Liquid Lens M12 Lens
#33-676 35mm, f/5, Liquid Lens Cx Series Fixed Focal Length Lens
#33-687 50mm, f/7, Liquid Lens Cx Series Fixed Focal Length Lens

When using a Maxim driver board with a Corning® Varioptic® A39Nx series lens, the jumper at ST2 must be removed to ensure optimal performance and product lifetime. Please contact us for updated user manuals with more information.


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Corning® Varioptic® - Variable Focus Liquid Lens, Driving Electronics Development Kit #28-773 NT$25,900   Request Quote
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USB-M Universal PCB with Maxim MAX14574 Driver and USB Input #28-774 NT$10,535   Request Quote
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Corning® Varioptic® - Variable Focus Liquid Lens, Driver Board with Maxim MAX14574 Driver and I2C/DC Input #12-248 NT$8,925   Request Quote
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