保護性鍍膜金屬線柵偏振器用於在可見光光譜反射 S 偏振光,同時穿透 P 偏振光。這類偏振器是以薄的鋁製線柵裝設至玻璃基材,然後以堅硬的保護性鍍膜處理。保護性鍍膜可保護線柵結構避免刮傷,或其他機械應力造成的損傷,同時在設計上比使用蓋玻片的傳統 線柵偏振器更輕薄。這類偏振器具有保護性鍍膜,因此能夠更輕易的操作及清潔,有別於不建議操作及清潔的裸線柵偏振器。保護性鍍膜線柵偏振器可於最高 200°C 的高溫環境下使用 1,000 小時以上,並將對效能的影響降到最低。
Waveplates (retarders) are different when used in polarized light than unpolarized light. Consider terminology, fabrication, or applications at Edmund Optics.
Polarization Overview - Part 2: Waveplates & Retarders (Advanced)
Waveplates and retarders are optical components designed to transmit light while modifying its polarization state without attenuating, deviating, or displacing the beam.
Polarization Directed Flat Lenses, which are formed with polymerized liquid crystal thin-film, create a focal length that is dependent on polarization state.
I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?
Does light entering a multimode fiber undergo a polarization change during propagation through the fiber? If so, can the emerging light be linearly polarized by placing a polarizer at the fiber’s output end?
Differential interference contrast (DIC) is one of the polarization techniques that can be used in optical microscopy. Learn about this technique at Edmund Optics.
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