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What is the difference between flexible, quartz and liquid fiber optic light guides?

Fiber optic light guides such as our Flexible Fiber Optic Light Guides consist of a bundle of high transmission glass fibers that can be used in conjunction with fiber optic illuminators to provide intense visible illumination. Fiber optic light guides and their respective illuminators are typically used for most fiber optic illumination applications. Quartz (or fused silica) fiber optic light guides such as our Quartz Fiber Optic Light Guides are designed for ultraviolet and infrared applications. They are ideal for UV transmission, but will transmit in the visible as well. They will also show some fluorescence at 245nm and darken in gamma or x-ray environments. These plastic-clad quartz fibers provide maximum transmission efficiency due to the 10:1 core/clad ratio and high flexibility from their small fiber diameter. Liquid fiber optic light guides such as our Liquid Light Guides are also ideal for visible and ultraviolet light applications. Unlike glass fiber optic bundles, liquid light guides are actually composed of liquid and do not suffer from packing fraction losses (spaces between fibers that cause reduced coupling efficiency).

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