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Optics Application Notes

標題 az    Date 1..9   
Understanding Surface Roughness 7/29/2024
Introduction to Basic Ray Optics 8/11/2022
Diamond-Like Carbon and High-Durability AR Coatings 6/6/2024
Optical Coherence Tomography 6/27/2022
Telescope Optics for Hobbyists 7/23/2024
Lens Geometry Performance Comparison 8/6/2024
形狀因素對非球面設計的影響 4/17/2024
ISO Drawings for Aspheric Lenses 7/23/2024
Large Aspheres: Enabling High-Power Optical Systems 7/23/2024
Polymer Polarizers and Retarders 8/4/2020
鑽石車削離軸拋物面反射鏡的粗糙度 3/21/2024
高反射率鍍膜 8/29/2024
光學系統機械設計、裝配和校準的5大考量 4/17/2024
使用現成光學元件進行設計的5項提示 7/18/2024
菲涅耳透鏡的優點 4/19/2024
在紅外應用中使用彎月透鏡的優勢 4/16/2024
All About Aspheric Lenses 8/6/2024
An In-Depth Look at Spherical Aberration Compensation Plates 8/28/2015
被動消熱差設計介紹 4/17/2024
非球面消色差透鏡 7/17/2024
Benefits of Hard Coatings 11/17/2023
Chromatic and Monochromatic Optical Aberrations 4/30/2024
平行性考量 11/17/2023
高雷射損傷抗反射鍍膜 3/21/2024
瞭解白色漫射玻璃 11/6/2017
什麼是超薄濾光片? 3/21/2024
愛特蒙特光學常用玻璃類型 9/5/2023
清潔光學產品 1/20/2025
Comparison of Optical Aberrations 7/10/2023
使用短波通與長波通濾光片的製作自訂帶通濾光片 5/29/2024
Diffuser Selection Guide 7/11/2024
Edge-Blackening 9/4/2015
顯微鏡用螢光濾光片 8/27/2024
Geometrical Optics 101: Paraxial Ray Tracing Calculations 9/8/2015
Handling and Storing High Power Laser Mirrors 9/8/2015
How to Design your own Beam Expander Using Stock Optics 3/25/2025
如何選取適當的光導管均質化棒 9/8/2015
Integration of Optical Systems 9/8/2015
Introduction to Adaptive Optics and Deformable Mirrors 10/15/2024
Introduction to Modulation Transfer Function 3/25/2025
Introduction to Optical Prisms 5/15/2024
Introduction to Polarization 3/25/2025
反射鏡金屬鍍膜 11/22/2024
Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror Selection Guide 7/22/2024
Prism Tunnel Diagrams 7/16/2024
光學濾光片 1/2/2025
Optical Flats 8/28/2024
光學玻璃 8/6/2024
Optical Prism Application Examples 3/21/2024
Optics 101: Level 1 Theoretical Foundations 3/21/2024
Optics Application Examples 3/21/2024
UV vs. IR Grade Fused Silica 12/18/2024
Polarizer Selection Guide 7/23/2024
The Benefits of Color-Corrected Optical Lenses 3/21/2024
The Complexities of High-Power Optical Coatings 3/21/2024
選擇正確的紅外線(IR)正確材料 8/6/2024
瞭解球透鏡 9/4/2024
Understanding Neutral Density Filters 8/6/2024
Understanding Optical Lens Geometries 5/30/2024
瞭解光學規格 12/19/2024
Tips for Designing Manufacturable Lenses and Assemblies 3/21/2024
Understanding Rare Earth Materials 3/21/2024
Understanding Waveplates and Retarders 3/4/2025
Using C-Mount Focus Tunable Lenses 9/15/2015
什麼是分光鏡? 4/5/2024
什麼是柱面透鏡? 12/9/2024
為什麼要選擇消色差柱面鏡? 12/9/2024
為什麼使用消色差透鏡? 12/9/2024
球面透鏡的精準容差 12/9/2024
Understanding Optical Windows 9/30/2024
The Importance of Optical Filter Orientation, Angle of Incidence, and Cone Half Angle 3/20/2025
Effects of Laser Mirror Surface Flatness 3/24/2025
A Guide to (Not Over) Specifying Losses in Laser Optics 7/23/2024
Why Use a Flat Top Laser Beam? 4/24/2024
玻璃中的本體雷射損傷 8/29/2024
雷射光束整型概觀 9/19/2024
Can A Beam Expander be Used in Reverse? 2/18/2021
超精密拋光光學元件 3/20/2025
All About Diffraction Gratings 8/22/2024
Anamorphic Prism Pairs 2/15/2021
Group Delay Dispersion and White Light Interferometry 7/9/2024
Basics of Ultrafast Lasers 8/1/2024


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