色散是光在穿透光學介質時,其相位速度或相位延遲與其他參數之間的相依性,例如光學頻率或波長。雷射光學 基底: 內部可能發生多種不同類型的色散,例如色度 (圖 1), intermodal, and polarization mode dispersion.1

圖 1: 紫外線級熔融石英折射指數作為波長函數
折射指數 是指真空中的光速,與穿透介質(例如空氣或玻璃)時光波相位速度之間的比率。脈衝雷射應用普遍以頻率描述光線,因為一般而言時間更為關鍵,而光線頻率為固定值,且其波長需視其穿越環境內部的折射指數而定。波長 $ \small{\left( \lambda \right)} $ 與角頻率 $ \small{\left( \omega \right)} $, 折射指數 $ \small{\left( n \right)} $, 及光速 $ \small{\left( c \right)} $ 有關:
材料折射指數通常以 Selmeier 公式及材料常數 $\small{B_1}$, $\small{B_2}$, $\small{B_3}$, $\small{C_1}$, $\small{C_2}$, and $\small{C_3}$:
色度色散為光線在介質中的相位速度 $\small{\nu _{p}}$ ,與光線波長之間的相依性,大多是由光線與介質電子之間的互動所產生。色度色散是以阿貝數 (圖 2), 描述,對應於與 $ \small{\lambda} $, 相關折射指數第一偏導數的倒數,而部分色散則對應於與波長相關折射指數的第二導數。
$\small{n_D} $, $\small{n_F} $, 及 $\small{n_C} $ 為基材 Fraunhofer D- $ \small{\left( 589.3 \text{nm} \right)} $, F- $ \small{\left( 486.1 \text{nm} \right)} $, 及 C- $ \small{\left( 656.3 \text{nm} \right)} $ 光譜線波長情況下的折射指數。材料阿貝數也可利用與波長相關的折射指數導數,於任何波長描述:
In laser applications, the primary concern is how dispersion will affect the properties of a laser pulse traveling through the medium, which is described by group velocity - the variation of the phase velocity of light in a medium relative to its wavenumber:
The wavenumber $ \small{\left( k \right)} $ is $ \tfrac{2 \pi}{\lambda} $ - this concept is sometimes also referred to a spectral phase. As multiple wavelengths of light transmit through a material, the longer wavelength (lower frequency) typically travels faster than shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies) because the group velocity is wavelength-dependent.2 This results in a spectral spreading of the wavefront phase similar to the way light transmitting through a prism is dispersed into its component colors. Group velocity is defined as the first derivative of the phase velocity with respect to frequency, and the group velocity dispersion $ \small{\text{GVD}} $ is similarly defined as the derivative of the inverse group velocity with respect to frequency:
Group velocity is similar to spectral dispersion as they both correspond to the first derivative of refractive index with respect to wavelength or frequency. Likewise, $ \small{\text{GVD}} $ is similar to partial dispersion in that they are both second derivatives with respect to wavelength or frequency. Minimizing $ \small{\text{GVD}} $ in an optical design is similar to designing to minimize chromatic focal shift, except the designer will focus on group velocity and $ \small{\text{GVD}} $ rather than the Abbe number and partial dispersion.
A further discussion of $ \small{\text{GVD}} $ and its importance for ultrafast laser optics can be found in our Ultrafast Dispersion application note.
模間色散為波導(例如多模光纖)之中光線群速與光學頻率及傳播模式的相依性。2 在多模光纖通訊系統中,這會嚴重限制可達到的資料傳輸速率或位元率。如需預防模間色散,可利用具有拋物面折射指數的單模光纖或多模光纖。
極化模態色散是介質中光線傳播特性與極化狀態的相依性,可能在高資料速率單模光纖系統中具有重大意義。這三種色散都可能在自由空間或光纖暫時擴大或壓縮超短脈衝,可能讓個別脈衝混合在一起導致無法辨識 (圖 3)。

圖 3: 色散可能造成通過光纖的雷射脈衝散射,直到無法辨識為止
1 Paschotta, Rüdiger. Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology, RP Photonics, October 2017, www.rp-photonics.com/encyclopedia.html.
2 Ghatak, Ajoy, and K. Thyagarajan. “Optical Waveguides and Fibers.” University of Connecticut, 2000.
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