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Richardson Gratings™ 高精密反射全像繞射光柵

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Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Reflective Holographic Diffraction Gratings

Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Reflective Holographic Diffraction Gratings

Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Reflective Holographic Diffraction Gratings Richardson Gratings™ High Precision Reflective Holographic Diffraction Gratings
  • 高繞射效率
  • 雜散光比直紋光柵少,週期性比直紋光柵更精準
  • 提供紫外線至近紅外線區域的波長選項
  • 提供客製尺寸

Richardson Gratings™ 高精密反射全像繞射光柵的光線散射比直紋光柵更少,適用於拉曼光譜儀等對雜散光敏感的應用。本類光柵會暴露於強烈的雷射干涉圖案下,並以化學顯影方式顯示具有正弦截面的邊緣圖案,以便於光阻之中進行記錄。可供應適用於紫外線至近紅外線光譜區域的各種光柵。



Clear Aperture (%):
Holographic Grating
Thickness (mm):
6.00 ±0.5
Centering of Ruled Area on Substrate (mm):
Alignment of Grooves to Edge (°):
Groove Spacing Tolerance (%):
Float Glass
Reflected Wavefront, RMS:
S, P and Average
Spectral Order (m):


 Groove Density (grooves/mm)   Wavelength Range (nm)   Blaze Wavelength (nm)   Dimensions (mm)   Master Reference   Spectral Order (m)   比較  庫存號碼  價格 Buy
1200 400 - 1200 700 12.7 x 12.7 220H 1
1200 400 - 1200 700 25.0 x 25.0 220H 1
1200 400 - 1200 700 30.0 x 30.0 220H 1
1800 190 - 900 250 12.7 x 12.7 300H 1
1800 250 - 900 450 12.7 x 12.7 320H 1
1800 250 - 900 450 25.0 x 25.0 320H 1
1800 190 - 900 250 25.0 x 25.0 300H 1
1800 190 - 900 250 30.0 x 30.0 300H 1
1800 250 - 900 450 30.0 x 30.0 320H 1
2400 200 - 800 270 12.7 x 12.7 420H 1
2400 150 - 800 250 12.7 x 12.7 410H 1
2400 150 - 800 250 25.0 x 25.0 410H 1
2400 200 - 800 270 25.0 x 25.0 420H 1
2400 200 - 800 270 30.0 x 30.0 420H 1
2400 150 - 800 250 30.0 x 30.0 410H 1




Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy is ideal for capturing high-resolution 3D images with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity compared to confocal microscopy.


All About Diffraction Gratings

Learn about how diffraction gratings separate incident light into separate beam paths, different types of gratings, and how to choose the best grating for you.


Richardson Gratings™ Unboxing

Learn about high-precision diffraction gratings from Richardson Gratings available in-stock and ready for immediate shipping from Edmund Optics.


What is the difference between holographic and ruled diffraction gratings?

How do the efficiency curves relate to the actual amount of light I will see at any given wavelength?

What is the difference between Rowland circle and polychromator mounts for gratings?

Understanding Rowland circle and polychromator mounts for diffraction gratings is important for selecting the proper concave grating for your application.


What are diffraction gratings?

Diffraction gratings separate polychromatic light into component wavelengths.


What is the grating equation?

What is the difference between reflective and transmission gratings?

What is the blaze angle and blaze wavelength of a grating and how are they related?

How do I handle and clean my gratings?

I would like to select a narrow band of light with a grating, lens and pinhole setup. Since the grating’s resolving power is decided by the number of grooves illuminated by light, can it resolve anymore?

Absolute Efficiency

Blaze Angle

Blaze Wavelength


Diffraction Grating

Grating Equation

Groove Density

Holographic Grating

Nth Order

Relative Efficiency

Ruled Grating

Removing Protective Plastic Coating

A protective plastic coating protects a variety of our flat optics, such as optical windows, optical mirrors, and beamsplitters, from scratches during shipping.

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