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Olympus SZX7 變焦立體顯微鏡

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SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope - accessories shown not included

SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope - accessories shown not included SZX7 2X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, #88-115 Olympus 10X Widefield Eyepiece, #88-108 SZX7 0.5X C-Mount Adapter, #88-120 +7

Olympus SZX7變焦立體顯微鏡採用Galilean光學系統提供卓越的影像準確度及高分辨率。Olympus SZX7變焦立體顯微鏡可為影像文件提供視訊相容性,可以變更調整架以因應精確定位需求。此外,SZX7具有整合式鎖定光圈機制,可恢復特定的放大倍率設定。我們還提供多種物鏡鏡頭與目鏡,以便為多種樣本或應用提供無與倫比的影像平整度,並對難以存取的樣本執行成像。


Technical Information

Olympus SZX7 Zoom Stereo Microscope
Description Stock No.
Microscope Body (Required)
SZX7 Stereo Microscope Body #88-103
Stands (One Required)
Basic Reflected Light Stand with Reversible Stage Plate #88-207
Transmitted and Reflected LED Light Stand  #88-208
Observation Tubes (One Required)
30° Binocular Observation Tube #88-106
30° Trinocular Observation Tube (Camera Adapter Required)  #88-107
Eyepieces (Two Required)
10X Widefield Eyepiece #88-108
15X Widefield Eyepiece #88-109
20X Widefield Eyepiece #88-110
30X Widefield Eyepiece #88-111
Objectives (One Required)
0.5X Achromatic Objective Lens #33-254
1X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-112
1.25X Achromatic Objective Lens #88-113
0.75X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens #88-114
2X Plan Achromatic Objective Lens #88-115
1X Plan Apochromatic Objective Lens #88-116
Camera Adapters (One Required for Video/Image Capture)
1X Camera Adapter w/ C-mount Coupler #88-209
0.63X C-Mount Adapter #11-122
0.5X C-Mount Adapter #11-123
Optional Accessories
Ball & Socket Stage for Basic Light Stand #88-123

Objective and Eyepiece Data Table
Objective Lens 10X Eyepiece
15X Eyepiece
20X Eyepiece
30X Eyepiece
F.N. 22 F.N. 16 F.N. 12.5 F.N. 7
Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm) Mag. FOV (mm)
0.5X 4X-28X 55 - 7.8 6X-42X 40 - 5.7 8X -56X 31.3 - 4.5 12X-84X 17.5 - 2.5
0.75X 6X-42X 36.7 - 5.2 9X-63X 26.7 - 3.8 12X-84X 20.8 - 3 18X-126X 11.7 - 1.7
1X 8X-56X 27.5 - 3.9 12X-84X 20 - 2.9 16X-112X 15.6 - 2.2 24X-168X 8.8 - 1.3
1.25X 10X-70X 22 - 3.1 15X-105X 16 - 2.3 20X-140X 12.5 - 1.8 30X-210X 7.0 - 1.0
1.5X 12X-84X 18.3 - 2.6 18X-126X 13.3 - 1.9 24X-168X 10.4 - 1.5 36X-252X 5.8 - 0.83
2X 16X-112X 13.8 - 1.9 24X-168X 10 - 1.4 32X-224X 7.8 - 1.1 48X-336X 4.4 - 0.63
Olympus Comparison of Features
Olympus SZ51/SZ62 Olympus SZX7
Affordably priced with high resolving power Larger zoom ratio than the SZ51/SZ61
Utilizes a Greenough optical system Brighter, higher resolution images
  Utilizes an advanced Galilean optical system
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