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Zero Series

  • 光圈完全關閉
  • 防腐蝕外框
  • 高抗熱性
  • 供應拋光彈簧鋼及不鏽鋼彈簧鋼葉片選項

高品質的材料與最高的製造標準可確保這些光圈即使在最惡劣的狀況下,也能提供最優的效能可靠性。藉由不同的葉片與孔徑直徑選項,這些光圈可以成功整合至多種應用(包括成像應用)與高溫環境中。光圈具有可卸除的銷,能便利地納入到OEM解決方案中。藉由已知的銷/拉環角度偏差,可以預先對運動需求進行準確的評估。外罩材質採用防腐蝕的噴砂面黑色陽極電鍍鋁合金。若為 OEM 量購可考慮提供客製產品規格;如需瞭解量購折扣,請與本公司銷售部門聯絡。


Minimum Aperture (mm):


 Minimum Aperture (mm)   Maximum Aperture (mm)   Outer Diameter (mm)   Number of Leaves   比較   庫存號碼   價格  Buy
0.00 12.0 25.0 Two sets of 6
0.00 15.0 29.0 Two sets of 6
0.00 22.0 39.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 30.0 48.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 40.0 69.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 60.0 94.0 Two sets of 8
0.00 75.0 117.0 Two sets of 9
0.00 12.0 25.0 Two sets of 6
0.00 15.0 29.0 Two sets of 6
0.00 22.0 39.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 30.0 48.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 40.0 69.0 Two sets of 7
0.00 60.0 94.0 Two sets of 8
0.00 75.0 117.0 Two sets of 9

Technical Information

Outer Diameter A Maximum Aperture B Minimum Aperture C Thickness D Level Position E Full Angular Range of Lever F Stock No.
94mm 60mm








9mm 4.5mm 98° #57-592
69mm 40mm 6.5mm 3.25mm 96° #57-591
48mm 30mm 5mm 2.5mm 100° #57-590
39mm 22mm 5mm 2.5mm 99° #57-589
29mm 15mm 5mm 2.5mm 97° #57-588
25mm 12mm 5mm 2.5mm 96° #57-587
117mm 75mm 9.5mm 4.75mm 97° #57-593


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