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Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, introduces its new Low Loss Laser Mirrors. These optical mirrors are used in laser applications that require maximum reflectance at a given wavelength range and angle of incidence. Durable Low Loss Laser Mirrors feature high damage thresholds, 12J/cm2, 10ns at 1064nm, to withstand applications in harsh environments.
Maximum reflectivity for S and P Polarization
Low Loss Laser Mirrors feature greater than 99.9% reflectivity at most Nd: YAG and Ti: Sapphire laser lines. Ion beam sputtered (IBS) coatings provide high repeatabilty and tight tolerances. IBS coatings offer higher density, higher damage thresholds and superior durability than comparable reflectance coating technologies. The RoHS compliant optical mirrors are manufactured with a UV Fused Silica substrate and a 1/8λ surface accuracy to maintain excellent image quality.
Designed for either 0° or 45° angles of incidence
Low Loss Laser Mirrors are designed for 0° or 45° angles of incidence. These robust optical mirrors are resistant to many environmental conditions including heat, humidity and pressure. They are ideal for a wide variety of harsh environmental applications. Low Loss Laser Mirrors are available with a diameter of 25.4mm for 355nm, 532nm and 1064nm wavelengths. Low Loss Laser Mirrors are in-stock and available for immediate delivery for fast turnaround and excellent value.
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