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Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors provide greater than 99.8% reflectivity for S and P polarization

Mirrors offer high damage thresholds

12/3/2014, Barrington, NJ USA   —

Edmund Optics® (EO), the premier provider of optical components, introduces its new Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors. These mirrors are optical standing wave-resonators that are primarily used in chirping applications such as pulse compression. Featuring high damage thresholds, Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors provide greater than 99.8% reflectivity for S and P polarization.

Higher Laser Output Power and Stability

Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors use a partially reflective front surface and a highly reflective back surface to generate chromatic dispersion. The design of these mirrors allows for higher laser output power and stability than comparable prism or grating pulse compressions systems, which is characterized by lower losses and less sensitivity to errors in system alignment.

GDD Values from -250 to -600fs2

Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors feature group delay dispersion (GDD) values from -250 to -600fs2. Although the mirrors are ideal for use with Yb: YAG or Yb: KGW femtosecond lasers, they can also be optimized for use with other laser systems, including Ti: Sapphire. Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors are available in four RoHS-compliant, 25.4mm diameter models in wavelength ranges of 780-820nm and 1020-1060nm. All models offer excellent surface quality of 20-10 with a surface accuracy of 1/8λ. Gires-Tournois Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors are in-stock and available for immediate delivery for fast turnaround and excellent value.

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